Submit your article

NIPR invites authors to submit original scholarly articles, case notes, shorter informative contributions and book reviews/presentations in the area of (foreign or harmonised) private international law, including international civil procedure.

NIPR is a refereed journal. Two experts within the editorial board critically evaluate the suitability for publication and may, where appropriate, make suggestions for improvement. Each paper offered for publication is discussed within the full board on the basis of the reports of the evaluators. Authors can also opt for external double blind peer review upon submission.

You may contact the editor-in-chief or the editorial assistant before submitting an article. If an unsollicited article is submitted simultaneously to another journal, please notify the editorial assistant. Please submit your article electronically to Wilma Wildeman at the editorial office, e-mail:

Authors will be provided with a pdf of their article for their personal use. Upon request an author will be sent a print copy of the NIPR issue in which the article was published.